Blueberry Heaven


Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenI belong amongst the blueberry bushes, of this I am certain.

Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenIf you thought I was going to let our previous blueberry tragedy get me down for long you were mistaken. After our sad, sad trip up to Hatcher Pass, I was on a blueberry mission! And our mission paid off! We were not disappointed, we hit the jackpot. So long Hatcher, we have a new place to pick. Yes, it's an hour and half away, but it's up by where Todd and I got married, it's beautiful and it's rich with wild Alaskan blueberries!

I was worried that we wouldn't find any, after being slightly traumatized (but not demoralized) from the Hatcher's soon as Todd opened the car door...look!

Produce On Parade - Blueberry Heaven

We could literally pick them from inside the car! I went beserk...obvs.

Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenBob was with of us of course. I was worried about how he'd do after Todd's hike on Saturday. In case you missed it on Produce On Parade's Facebook page, Bob had to be carried down Lazy Mountain by Todd and my little brother because his muscles gave out! But he was okay on the blueberry mission, thank goodness! He was definitely competition for the prime bushes! As soon as we'd find a good spot to settle down and pick he'd come rushing over and start nibbling before you could beat him to it!

Produce On Parade - Blueberry Heaven

Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenI think we got enough to last us through the winter...though we may have to go back up this weekend just for the joy of it. Expect some sweet blueberry recipes in the near future! I have to say my utter favorite use of blueberries is to have them freshly picked and popped into warm oatmeal in the morning after a long backpacking trip, while still in the tent. There's no better way to have them! Trust me.

Produce On Parade - Blueberry Heaven Produce On Parade - Blueberry Heaven Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenIt was one wet and soggy trip, though we were tickled to be back up by where we got married again.

Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenHere's half our harvest in the freezer. Yes, we use socket wrench sockets to stack the trays. We're real professional-like. Don't judge.

Produce On Parade - Blueberry HeavenHow do you like your blueberries?
