They are absolutely amazing. Perfect texture? Check. Sweet and spicy? Check. Super healthy? Check. I know there are a scrillion-bajillion sweet potato burger recipes out there, however, with buddies like maple, chipotle, pecans, and oats these guys are truly unique. An epic fall flavor combination, if I do say so myself.
You'll see a departure from my usual photography in future posts. During Alaskan winters it gets dark at about 4 pm. Thus, dusty artificial lights and lamps are summoned from the closet, hiding from the midnight sun of the summer.
It's kind of fun to play around with lighting. I'm not terribly experienced with lights, but luckily Todd is very fluent in these things. He helped me capture the spotlight effect for these photographs. I hope you enjoy the seasonal style!
“It is better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.”
— Diane Grant
These perfectly textured vegan, sweet potato burgers have a hint of maple sweetness and a smoky chipotle kick.
Taking advantage of the last bit of sun!
print recipe
Chipotle Maple Sweet Potato Burgers
by Katie @ Produce On Parade October-15-2014
These perfectly textured vegan, sweet potato burgers have a hint of maple sweetness and a smoky chipotle kick.
2 medium sweet potatoes (about 1lb. 10 oz.), diced small
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, diced small
1 large garlic clove, minced
1 ½ cups quick cooking oats, dry
¼ cup pecans, minced
2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast
2 Tbsp. ground flax seed
1 tsp. kosher salt
½ tsp. chipotle chili powder
¼ tsp. ground black pepper
3 Tbsp. maple syrup
8 hamburger buns
In a medium saucepan, add the diced sweet potatoes and cover with water. Add a dash of salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Then, reduce to low and simmer for about 15 minutes until very tender. Drain and set aside for later.In a medium frying pan, heat the olive oil over medium-low. Add the onion and garlic and sauté for about 10 minutes, until the onions are brown and fragrant. In a large bowl, add the oats, through and including the pepper. Whisk well to combine. Add the boiled sweet potatoes and the onion mixture as well as the maple syrup. Using a wooden spoon, mash the sweet potatoes and mix everything together very well. Preheat oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Coat your hands with a nonstick cooking spray and form the burger mix into eight large patties. Arrange on the baking sheet in a single layer. Bake at 400 F for about 45 minutes, turning the patties over halfway through. Once done, remove from oven and allow to rest for about 5-10 minutes. This will set the patties. Serve hot, with BBQ sauce! Freeze the leftovers for a quick meal later.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 8 burgers
Dutch Word of The Day
Maple --> esdoorn (es-doren)
Good Deed of The Day
Perdue has been forced to remove "humanely raised" labels from it's packaged chicken flesh. "..undercover investigations have shown that Perdue's chickens are raised in a space the size of a sheet of paper, crammed with others so tightly that they suffer broken bones that go untreated, and are placed in sheds that reek of ammonia." Who would support such atrocities? It's really mind-boggling. Read more about it here.
Sweet, but still healthy! I may have made this for breakfast but it's telling me that it would like to be classified as a dessert. Who am I not to grant such a wish?
This pudding is an omega-3 antioxidant powerhouse, thanks to the chia seeds and the cocoa powder. Chipotle chili powder adds a spicy little bite and a hint of smokiness. Crunchy cacao nibs top it off!
In a small bowl or pyrex measuring cup whisk together all the ingredients except for the chia seeds and cocoa nibs. Be sure to whisk enough to incorporate the cocoa powder into the milk.
Then, transfer to a small serving bowl and stir in the chia seeds. Place in the fridge, covered with saran wrap, for about one hour.
Halfway through, stir carefully to ensure that all the chia seed clumps are broken up.
Once set, stir again and top with cocoa nibs!
Breakfast, dessert, dinner, lunch or a snack...this pudding has no bias.
Okay, so this title isn't as accurate as it could be. It really should read, Healthy Chipotle BMGTT, which obviously stands for Barbecue, Mixed Greens, Tomato and Tofu. Um, maybe not so obvious...I'll think I'll just stick with Healthy Chipotle BLT.
This is kind of a snobby sandwich, but in a good way. It's like like a traditional BLT, but much, much tastier and a lot healthier, too! First, let's just get rid of the bacon shall we? What's that noise? I think I hear a faint outcry in the distance. As a wise, old "pin" I once came across on Pinterest said, "Relax, it's a strip of pig carcass, not an oxygen tank." Let's get real people. Think you still like bacon? You're a daisy if you do. Check out this link about bacon, but my favorite might be," The Director-General of the World Health Organization warns that we may be facing an end to modern medicine as we know it thanks in part to the mass feeding of antibiotics to farm animals to accelerate growth." Lovely. Nah, I'll stick with crispy, pan seared tofu. Tofu get's a bad rap from omnivores but if Todd, King of Baloney and Other Processed Meats can eat it and like it, then I guarantee that you can too.
Moving on from how gross bacon is...chipotle barbecue sauce. This is a weeknight dinner type of BBQ sauce. Feel free to make your own, but if you're in a hurry like me and not a BBQ sauce connoisseur like my dad, then the sauce from the store will be just fine. And of course add in some ground chipotle chili powder!
Romaine is so boring. How about some fresh mixed greens? Yes, that is definitely better. And the tomato says, of course. Extra points for using a super snobby heirloom tomato or better yet one from your own garden. I just picked one up from the store. I'm not perfect.
First we need to press that tofu. This is important if a crispy tofu crust is desired, which it is, but we have to take that moisture out to get it! So, take yo' tofu and sandwich it between four paper towels, folded to the size of the tofu. Two above the tofu, and two below. Then, get a cookie sheet and place atop the tofu brick then balance a heavy book on top, or if you're daring like me, a potted plant. Okay, using a potted's probably not my best idea...use a book. Allow to press for 30 minutes, if possible.
While the tofu is pressing, spray a large frying pan with a nonstick cooking spray. In a small bowl, combine the barbecue sauce and the ground chipotle. Now's a good time to slice up that tomato, too.
Once the tofu is done pressing, pat it dry with a fresh paper towel and slice in half hotdog style, then in half hotdog style again. You should have four thin bricks of tofu, but you'll only need two. Heat up that frying pan and add two bricks of tofu, ensuring that they don't overlap. Allow to cook on each side for a few minutes, until they gets golden and crispy. Feel free to cook the other two bricks afterward and use them chopped up in a salad or for even more sandwiches!
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Toast your bread and then add the desired amount of chipotle barbecue sauce. Add the mixed greens to one side and the tomato slices on top, then add one brick of tofu followed by the bread. Complicated stuff, I know, but try to stay with me. Repeat for the second sandwich. Feel free to share that second sammy or just hoard it all for yourself. I shared, because I'm a lady.
Who would want a typical BLT when you can have a BMGTT?
The Healthy Chipotle BLT
Recipe Type: Entree
Author: Katie - Produce On Parade
A healthy and delicious take on the traditional BLT.
1 block of tofu (you'll only use half)
1/4 cup barbecue sauce
1/4-1/2 tsp. ground chipotle chili powder
1 vine-ripened tomato, sliced
4 slices of your favorite bread, toasted
2 small handfuls of mixed greens or lettuce
Press the tofu to get excess moisture out, for 30 minutes, if possible. Sandwich tofu between paper towels and place a heavy book or other object on top.
Spray a large frying pan with a nonstick cooking spray.
In a small bowl, combine barbecue sauce and ground chipotle.Slice tomato.
Once the tofu is done, pat dry with a fresh paper towel and slice into four thin bricks, but you'll only need two.
Heat up pan and add two tofu bricks, ensuring that they don't overlap.
Allow to cook on each side for a few minutes, until they gets golden and crispy.
Toast bread and then add the desired amount of chipotle barbecue sauce. Add mixed greens and tomato slices, then one brick of tofu followed by the bread. Repeat for the second sandwich.